Sunday, April 20, 2008

Why Don't You Learn How To Blog,?

Blogging is fun and easy and has many other benefits such as the ownership, control and the ability to add advertising to your own website. It can cost thousands of dollars to have a (real) website but with your own blog it's free. Once you become a blogger you’ll never stop. Follow my directions; it’s fun, rewarding and actually quite easy.

I’ve tried to write down the simplest directions on the Internet. The [Help] sections on most sites are quite intense and I hope this article gives you all the help and encouragement you’ll need. Leave a comment at the end if I've helped you, and if any of the pictures are too small just double click to enlarge them.

To start go to; This is the site I use.

Click on; [Create Your Blog Now].

Fill out; Create a Google Account and don’t forget to save your Password and Display Name in a safe place.
Then click on; [Continue]

Name your blog and don’t forget to save your blog address in a safe place.
Then click on; [Continue].

Choose a template
and click on; [Continue].

Your blog has been created!
Now click on; [Start Blogging].

This is your blog page.

Put in the title first and click on [Publish Post] at the bottom.

The safest way to work is on a separate "Word" document on your computer. Securing a copyright may also be a good idea.

Type up your text and save it in your computer. Next select [Compose] mode at the top right of the blog window and cut & paste your text into the blog window. Click on [Publish Post].

Now you can look at your work by clicking [View Blog in a New Window], [Edit Post] or [Create a New Post].

If you’ve forgotten your blog address click on [View Blog in a New Window] and cut and paste the address to a safe place.

These are all the basic steps, follow them and your blog is now published.

Here are some other things you should know.
At the top of the blog window under [Posting] you have 1) [Create], 2) [Edit Posts], and 3) [Moderate Comments]. [Create] is for new posts, [Edit Posts] shows individual posts in your blog and [Moderate Comments] should be filled out so your blog can be seen on the Internet.

[Create] is the most important one

(b) Lets you choose bold print.

(i) Lets you choose italic print.

Insert link. (I never use this – click here for a much easier way to add a link or pictures)

Insert Blockquote

Check Spelling

Add a picture (I never use this – click here for a much easier way to add a picture)

Add a video

The [Settings] section gives you more control over the [Publishing] and the [Comments] on your blog and should be checked out.

The [Layout] section gives you control over the appearance of your blog. [Page Elements] enables you to rearrange the basic look of your blog by adding advertising links, videos, pictures, polls, slideshows, etc.

[Fonts and Colors] is the most important alteration to the appearance of your blog and should be set up to your liking.

[Dashboard] in the upper right hand corner lets you see a list of all of your posts at once.

[Preview] lets you see what your blog looks like (especially the pictures) before publishing.

[Edit HTML] and [Compose] are very important.

[Compose] lets you edit and see your text along with pictures and font colors at the same time.

[Edit HTML] lets you see your text only with the pictures written out in HTML code. It's so important to cut, paste, and save this code on your own computer incase the blog-site goes down or if your blog is somehow hacked into (or if you make a catastrophic mistake while editing in the blog window). All you do is cut and paste your saved HTML code back in and you’re quickly up and running again.

(C) 2008 Jonny53

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